Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Voice a Beacon in the Night, My Words Will Be Your Light to Carry You to Me.

It was a familiar ache in my body when I would think of all of the simple things that I would love to enjoy with you. Now, the simple things that we share make my heart flutter and makes my breath leave my body. I adore you. I meet you in a different world at the peak of our black nights and bright mornings with our silent breathing bodies. Whether I have tears in my eyes from sadness or hysterical laughter, you are the first person I reach for. You surround me and dwell in the center of my chest. I love your laughter and silly stories. I love the mixing scents of raindrops and traveling cigarette smoke that wrap around you with the wind. I love your train rides, especially the awkward ones and the sound of you slirping the whip cream from the bottom of your empty caramel frappachino. Hey, I even enjoy it when you sing along to all of the commercial show tunes or yell at the tv, and when you sing in the shower. But I adore your sleepy voice the most. So whenever you even try to think that I am not with you, beside you, within you, reconsider it and remember to look into your ocean infused eyes because in the glare from the light and the reflection you will see me.

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