Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Words That I Have Come Across. . .

The Way I See It #198

You can shower a child with presents or money, but what do they really mean, compared to the most valuable gift of all - your time? Vacations and special events are nice, but so often the best moments are the spontaneous ones. Being there. Every Moment you spend with your child could be the one that really matters.

--Tim Russert

And I always thought: the very simplest words must be enough. When I say what things are like Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds. That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself. Surely you see that.

--Bertolt Brecht (1956)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Home Is Where Your Heart Is

Today was one hell of a fucking day. I've been home 3 days this week, I guess I just can't handle it all. We all are actually feeling the air getting thinner. I slept only a few hours and clearly I was running on E. It's all so unforgiving. I just re-appreciated all of the little things today. In lew of all of my latest stress, it's all very comforting. I just wanna close my eyes & not open them until it's all better. It's all so much, so so much all at once. I fucking hate the stress. The first instinct I had when I got scared was to leave this place and go there. Is that signified as running? Not if I found refuge right? Well DB says home is where you heart is. . .

So my evening ended off fabulously. My sister is here! We obviously can't coexist under the same roof but to invade each other's space every now and then is blissful. I've missed her. She's missed me too.

The day was gloomy. It shed little rain from the whitewashed skies. I loved the smell of the asphalt after the rain. But the recognition of all things other than sadness truly fleeted with the cold winds. I'm sick of hoping in vain. It just hurts too much.

So are you homeless when your heart remains cold. . . ?