I'm sitting here in this vacant kitchen, thinking of her, and as of late she has found a home in my thoughts, in a way that no one has done before. She's branded me. My words will give no justice to how outrageous this feels to be alone, thinking of another that has never looked into my eyes. Forgive me.
My mom is gone and I am sad. My Nush is gone, and that fact alone will always be a sore spot until she is able to come home and fill her spot, in this chair beside me. The refrigerator is buzzing and the only other things I hear are the click clacking of the keys under my fingertips and the shy sighs that release this smoke. I hate being alone. Actually, I hate being without them. I thought that maybe I could read the book mom gave me, but that would just be torture. Je suis silencieuse.
What are you afraid of? The Love Below. . .
Read the book! It will all become clear. I miss you like mad. You're coming with me next time. why did we think we could do this separate vacation thing again? And don't even get me started on the other one. I'm about to go to NY and steal her back!
I don't know! We're a little off to say the least, thinking that this was okay! & uh, I'm not ready for that god awful book to tell me I have yet another mental issue, and disease okay!?
take me ! take me ! i've been away too long.
& oh, arie.. another one of those crazy books uh ? lol
if you cant be alone , you cant stand company .
cuz right now im sitting on the hill , in the straw chair .. i was waiting on you know who .. but someone 2 ppl that are kinda annoying me right now here .. it sucks to feel lonely .. when you know where you wanna be .. or shall i say. . WHO you want next too you ! & i want HIM , like you want HER . l0l
i l0ve y0u
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