Dear Mommy,
I was sitting here pondering in this dark room and I picked up my journal. Yes the one that comes with me everywhere just so that if I happen to be inspired or if I am too shy or ashamed to speak my words, I can write them down. I read through it again and I came across a little secret letter I wrote for you back in January-- the month that never existed in our world and I wanted to remind you, just in case you may have forgotten. . .
I think of you every time I go out to the bluff. I miss you. I go out there and inevitably I begin to reflect. I appreciate you. Tonight I thought about the time you sat with me out there on the bluff and we had a heart to heart. I can't help but reiterate my everlasting gratitude for you and the place you have in my heart. Way back when, I had nearly passed out because the last time I had eaten was god knows when... You sat me down outside of your classroom door and you handed me a bottle of water, an apple and crackers. You ordered me to EAT. I'm thankful for that day. Being in my position, it's hard to watch from a far when people burn you and are unappreciative of your natural being. Me being me, I just wanna take it all away and smack some sense into a select few... Unfortunately I cannot rob them of their life learning, but damn it, I wish they could see your priceless worth. I'll always be grateful for you.
-Forever, A.
I can see the humanity that holds you, the past that thrusts you forward, and the future that inspires you. You are beautiful Mommy because you never stop learning and you don't accept mediocrity. Even if you have to try it again, you rebuild yourself like your graceful phoenix. I know that you believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself. I know this all to be true because you loved me.
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